
Baptism Pic

As I prepare to move and serve in Haiti on Saturday, August 1, 2010 I think about the evening I got baptized.  I was so thankful that Jesus gave me a brand new life.  I captured this special event in a photo wearing my white dress symbolic of purity.  There is so much joy in my heart as I begin a lifelong journey in Haiti.  On January 4, 2010  I made the decision to leave the 9 to 5 (permanent status) work environment to have a more flexible schedule that would allow me to help communities, families and individuals.  This was just 8 days before the earthquake that took place that year in Haiti.  I was unaware of the details of my calling but knew I was called to a great work for the Lord and His Kingdom.  I love how God works.  He is so purposeful in His ways!  I am so grateful that God presented Haiti to me and has chosen to use me in this way.  My journey to Haiti has been an amazing experience.  I have met people that have poured into my life, invested in me and were inspired in some way by acceptance of the call to Haiti.  I have connected with family and friends that added to my personal and spiritual growth.  All I can say is “WOW” I haven’t landed on Haiti soil yet and already my life has been soaring with God’s powerful presence.  I will forever love and be grateful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who has made it possible to live the life I now live.

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